Welcome Note..
As-Salam & Hello World..
I've been posting my new found and tested recipe into my Cupcakeshaus blog. But I guess it wasn't appropriate to post Cooking Recipe on that blog. So, I decided to write on this blog which I had opened long, long time ago.
I love to cook. My passion on cooking is beyond everything. My dream is to own my own cafe. For me to share my passion with those food lovers. And for me to share with frens my discoveries toward my golden dreams.
You may fine a lot of simple dishes. Western, Chinese style and other Asean cuisine. But not so much on Traditional Malay Cuisine. To be honest, you will not find me much on those dishes with coconut milk.
Enjoy indulging yourself with lots of lots recipes links from all over the world..
Linda Sahim
Sweet Treats d'Cupcakeshaus
11:16 AM
Welcome Note